

10 Easy ways to earn money online

10 Easy ways to earn money online

Ways to earn money online

How to earn money online or what are the simple ways to earn money from internet, Earning money from internet is easy. Even a person who knows how to run a simple can easily earn good money online from the internet.

Microwork Task

On these websites, you can earn money by liking Facebook page post, sharing it or clicking on any link and other such small tasks. You can earn money with these websites even if you do not have any kind of experience. { har har shambhu }

Survey Sites

In online survey, you are asked different types of questions about  a product or your interest and need. Thirty to hundreds rupees can be earned on completing a survey.

Online Captcha Writing Captcha 

In this job, you have to type some given letters or photo words in a box. With this you will get money soon if your typing speed is good then this job is beneficial for you. You can get 50 to 300 rupees on one thousand Captcha Enter.

By Downloading Apps

You can also earn money by downloading android apps in your mobile. For this you have to download the apps and connect your friends and relatives with your referral link. The more members you add i.e. how many member apps you download, the more money you will get

Now let me tell you about full time online job from where you can earn very good money but for this you will have to work very hard.

Affiliate Marketing

You must have a blog for this job. You will give a link to a product in your blog, if a customer makes a purchase from that link, then you will get a certain commission. if you want to earn a lot of money from internet or want to do full time job then this is for you. In the beginning, you will have to work hard, then everything will become easy.

Creation a website

you can also earn money online by creation your own website. if too many pages will be read on your website then you can earn a lot of money from it. For this, you have to show ads of Google or other company on your website from which you can earn good money. For this also you will have to work hard in the beginning. 

By YouTube

Now you can earn money by sharing your videos on YouTube too. for this, you have to join the YouTube partnership program. Then the more users who watch your video the more money you can earn. Now a days many people in India re earning lakhs of crores of rupees from YouTube. 

Selling Your own Product Online

If you have a unique product than you can sell it by creating a website or on an online e-commerce website like amazon, flipkart etc. You can also create your own e-commerce website. With this you can sell the same all over the world or all over the country. Can take your business to a very advanced stage.

Earn money online by sale courses

there are many people who are earning money by making their own course and selling them to the needy at good prices, you can also do it if you want.

And if you make a course of yours, then also upload it on YouTube and your blog post so that you can earn money online through all three methods and you can earn a lot so that you can fulfill your dreams.

Earn money online by online consulting

If you have good knowledge about affiliate marketing, share marketing, SEO Expert, Blogger and YouTube, then you can earn good online money earning your advices and ideas and method to new users and giving them maximum information about it.

The new users will contact you and by promotion your blogger site, YouTube Channel and all other sites with your advices and Ideas, they will also give you a good amount for it so that you can earn online money.

Earn money online by freelancing work

Now a days freelancing Work is very much in Trend, in this Company, Organization, Person, Etc. Will give you some work so that you will have to do it in the given time, for this the company will give you proper money. 

Freelancing mostly part time job who want to student earn money online, they can earn using IT Hub.

Earn money online by content writing 

When Company, organization, person, etc Andy one makes a big website or business webs item, news website, then he has to write a lot of contacts in it.

And for this they think that if he gets a good written contact from some where, then there are many such websites where you can go and write your content and sell it to he one who needs it and they also give you good money for this work.

You can write your content on the subject on which you have good knowledge and sell it to any company, organization, person, ETC who needs it and he will also give you money for this work.

What is the right way to write an e book?

The right way to write an e-book is that whenever you go to write an e-book, first of all make a cover in it, then at the bottom you first create an index on which topics you are talking about in it. After that, in the second page, you give a little description about those topics, after that you can make a headline by picking up each of the topics written in those indexes and write a complete eBook book by giving a good description about that topic. turn on

if you have knowledge about how to do blogging, then you can sell online by writing an e-book on blogging and if possible, keep the price of your e-book low so that more people buy it.

If you keep the price of your e-book at Rs. 100 and if that e-book sells 50 to 60 in 1 month, then you can earn 5000 to 6000 monthly from an e-book, that too by working only once.

Share Market

What are Stocks? Stocks or shares which are very well known names in the country of India, they represent the ownership of a company. Even if you have only one share of a company, you will still be called a shareholder of that company and will be able to claim certain rights and entitlements. In India, once the process of IPO or primary public offer is completed, the shares are listed on the stock exchange. You can trade (buy - sell) in that stock. These stocks or shares are listed on both NSE and BSE.

URL Shortener

You must have heard the name of bitly.com can not earn money from, I have told below how you can earn money from which URL Shortener Website?

UC News

Just like you publish and earn money by writing articles on your blog, you can earn money by writing articles on UC News too.

Here you do not need to buy domain and hosting, you will create your account on the site of UC News V Media and as soon as the account is verified, you will start writing articles there.

If you want to earn money by writing articles by joining UC News then here is a guide for that.


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